Trinity Days Should Be a Time for Relaxation

I recognize that I am very fortunate to live only thirty minutes away from Trinity. I have the ability to visit home whenever I please without the burden of booking a flight or taking a train. However, I know that many Trinity students face these issues, and therefore, with all the studying and homework students have, it is wonderful to experience a reprieve. In short, while Trinity Days can be an excellent chance to catch up on work, I truly believe that Trinity Days should be utilized as a long weekend of relaxation before midterms begin.
Studying might as well be the middle name of numerous Trinity students, including myself. Even walking through the library, many people are studying, writing a paper, doing homework or receiving extra help; it is incredible to see. I am privileged to be a part of such a studious community. Don’t these hard-working and dedicated Bantams deserve a break?
I love spending time with my family during Trinity Days. On Tuesday, my mom, brother, grandmother and I decided to take an “Orchard’s Tour” of Connecticut. For those who don’t know, Connecticut is well-known for its many orchards. My family planned on driving to six or seven orchards in one day, where we enjoyed picking apples, devouring cider donuts, and picking up some apple and pumpkin pies. These orchards are located in the same area about 45 minutes from my house. I was looking forward to this day for a couple weeks, and could not believe it was finally here. However, my excitement was diminished when I realized I had a ten page paper due at 9 pm that evening.
While I still had a wonderful time with my family (and ate WAY too many cider donuts), I felt rushed the entire day. At every orchard, I kept checking my phone, knowing that I still needed enough time to go home and finish editing my paper. I felt terribly rude for rushing my family as well, knowing that we had this trip planned a couple weeks in advance, and they were as to see me. It was a shame that our adventure together had to be cut short because of my homework. Talking to other students after Trinity Days were over, I learned they were also upset that their weekends with their families were disrupted because of assignments.
Before Trinity Days, I did try to complete as many assignments as I could. However, much of my work was assigned that Friday, and so it was difficult to get a head start. This exact situation happened to other students as well.
Therefore, while Trinity days can be an excellent chance to catch up on work, I believe they serve a more meaningful purpose. As college students, academics are prevalent in our everyday lives. It can often be a mundane routine of classes, homework, and studying. Trinity days are an opportunity to relax and unwind before we spend endless hours in the library preparing for midterms. It is an opportunity for students to see their families, whom they probably, if they live farther away, haven’t seen in at least a month. It is a time to explore a nearby major city, such as Boston, New York, or even Hartford. This can be culturally enriching and academically engaging as well, since traveling expands the mind and allows a student to learn more about certain subjects or ideas by visiting museums or tourist attractions that they are particularly interested in.
In conclusion, professors should not assign work during Trinity days, and students should take this opportunity to relax before they are bombarded with midterm studying. I think as humans, we often forget that it is perfectly acceptable to take time for ourselves, and allow our bodies and minds to rest in hopes that we will come back to school rejuvenated and ready to tackle midterms.

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