Trevor Beauford Appointed as Assist. Dean of Community Life and Restorative Justice, Dir. of Greek Life; Details of Search Remain Unclear

3 min read

Jack P. Carroll ‘24

Managing Editor

The Rev. Trevor Beauford has accepted the position of Assistant Dean of Community Life and Restorative Justice and Director of Greek Life, according to an Aug. 17 email from Dean of Community Life and Standards Robert P. Lukaskiewicz. Beauford, who previously served as Trinity’s Interim College Chaplain, was among the finalists under consideration to serve as Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life earlier this summer. His appointment comes after Kathryn Wojcik’s resignation from her position as Director of Campus Life and Social Houses in May. 

“His new role will focus on Greek Life, Nest Dean, and working with our community around practices of restorative justice,” Lukaskiewicz said of Beauford in his address to students. “He plans to help the Greek community focus on leadership, chapter development, philanthropic and community service efforts, and diversity.”

The details of the search process for Beauford’s appointment were not immediately clear. Lukaskiewicz told the Tripod via email that Beauford’s appointment was announced to student Greek Leaders in advance. He also indicated that Beauford met with the presidents of the Inter Greek Council (IGC) and Panhellenic Council in early August. However, Lukaskiewicz did not answer questions about the history of Beauford’s new position as well as the search process after multiple Tripod inquiries. 

Prior to Beauford’s appointment, which came just months after his candidacy for Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life, the College made no announcement about the search for his position. Absent details from Lukaskiewicz’s announcement include: duration of search and its participants, total number of applicants and the date Beauford was offered the position. It was also not made clear if Beauford intends on resigning from his position as Senior Pastor at the Union Baptist Church of Hartford. 

A current member of the Stella Society interviewed by the Tripod recalled that Wojcik had previously asked her if she was interested in serving on a search committee for this position. Wojcik had mentioned that the committee would be composed of students. However, it is not clear if these plans ever came into fruition: “I am not aware of whether or not the Presidents of Panhellenic Council or Greek Council were included in the search process, although to my knowledge no real search occurred outside of the current college faculty.” “It was an internal search process, while many of us were under the impression that someone who had held a similar position to the Director of Geek Life would be recruited, as it is a demanding job,” she added. “Administrators seem largely removed from Greek Life, no one specific reached out to me about a student run search committee although it was talked about amongst Greek leaders.”

Chief Judiciary of Trinity’s Inter Greek Council Brener De Souza ‘22 did not answer the Tripod’s questions about the search.

Reactions to Beauford’s appointment on the “Alumni for a Better Trinity College” Facebook Page, which hosts 2.3K members, were mixed. Responding to a copy of Lukaskiewicz’s email announcing Beauford’s appointment, several alumni congratulated Beauford and highlighted his qualifications. Others expressed disappointment and confusion with the College’s creation of the position that he now occupies. One graduate’s comment, which received 15 likes, stated “The last thing Trinity needs is yet another VP/Dean/Associate Dean position to add to the ballooning bureaucratic bloat and draw even more on our insufficient coffers.” Another commented, “Director of Greek Life as well? Seems an odd add on to his other responsibilities.”

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