The Trinity Chapel Council Gives Back to Hartford

Chapel council is one of several Christian fellowship organizations at Trinity. Chapel Council meets weekly to discuss various aspects of faith and includes members of many different sects within the Anglican tradition. In addition, it is also a place where those who are seeking faith or have yet to discover it are welcomed and encouraged to participate in discussions.
Chapel Council meetings offer an opportunity independent from the weekly Episcopal service to engage in communal prayer, closely study scripture, and engagein a more concerted and focused dialogue about Christ.
The Council also offers the opportunity to discuss critical issues which face the Chapel and provides students with a chance to direct the future and mission of the Trinity College Chapel.
Chapel Council works closely with College Chaplain and Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life Allison Reed to address the fundamental goals of the Chapel and to welcome all members of the community into services and discussion. The Council also plans a number of events and community service efforts each year that seek to embody its mission of good faith and betterment for Trinity’s surrounding community.
One of Chapel Council’s largest events and partnerships is the annual Chapel Formal. This year’s Chapel Formal, which occurred on Oct. 14, was the fourth annual.
The Formal is an elegant dinner which takes place in the Chapel and seeks to raise money for the Hands on Hartford’s Backpack Nutrition Program, which provides meals to at-risk students who experience issues of food insecurity.
In partnership with the Trinity College Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement, Project PAKS, and the Charleston House of Interfaith Cooperation, the Chapel Formal raised more than $900 in cash and pledges and was attended by almost 150 students and faculty. The Formal featured musical performances by Trinity’s only all-male a cappella group, the Accidentals.
In addition to the Backpack Nutrition Program, Chapel Council works to support Cranksgiving, a bike race focused on collecting groceries and other food items to benefit the Grace Episcopal Church Food Pantry. Both adults and children are welcome to participate. This year’s event occurs on Saturday, Nov. 18. Registration begins at the Trinity College Chapel at 11:30 am.
Chapel Council also works to present the Lessons and Carols event, in conjunction with the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and the Chapel Singers. Lessons and Carols has been an annual tradition at Trinity since 1958 and follows the Anglican ceremony consisting of nine passages of scripture intermingled with carols. Lessons and Carols takes place twice, at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Sunday, Dec. 3 and is frequently attended by hundreds from within the Trinity community and the greater Hartford area.
Chapel Council meets Tuesdays at 9:00 pm in the Phelan Room in the library. All are welcome, irrespective of faith. If you are interested in attending Chapel Council, please feel free to reach out to President Alicia Abbaspour at Sherisa.Abbaspour@trincoll.edu.

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