Contact and Advertise

Contact the Tripod

General inquiries may be submitted by email to, including comments and feedback on stories, suggestions for ideas, and letters to the editor or opinion articles. News tips may also be submitted to

Story ideas and news tips may also be submitted via our online form here.

You can also post correspondence or letters to the Tripod at the following address:

The Trinity Tripod, Trinity College, 300 Summit St Box 702582 Hartford, CT 06106

Ideas and News Tips for the Tripod

The Tripod welcomes story ideas and news tips via our online form here or sent directly to Tips can be submitted anonymously, though providing contact information is appreciated so we can verify the content and accuracy of the story.

NB: if the Tripod cannot verify the authenticity of the facts submitted and has no way to get in touch with you, we may not be able to publish your story.

Providing contact information does not mean that your name will be published or shared. However, please note that the Tripod assumes that all information gathered in subsequent interviews is “on the record” unless you, as a source, request that the information be “off the record” or a different agreement is reached with a writer or editor.

Advertising Opportunities and Policies

The Tripod is pleased to offer advertisers with an opportunity to place advertisements in our weekly print issues and on our website. The Tripod has a page of classified advertisements, located here, where advertisers can post their products and services.

Advertisers can also direct inquiries regarding rate adjustments, determined on a case-by-case basis, to our Editorial Board at

For the convenience of our advertisers, we have posted our rate card below. On-campus organizations and non-profits may be eligible for reduced rates and should refer to the rate card for pricing or contact a Managing Editor with questions.

Rate Card

Spring 2025 print schedule

Business checks for advertisements should be made payable to The Trinity Tripod and cash will not be accepted.

What is Bits & Pieces?

Bits & Pieces is the Tripod’s satirical section released biweekly. Contact if you are interested in writing satire for the Tripod!


The Tripod acknowledges that errors will appear in its content and knows that mistakes may occur. To report corrections, please email Please bear in mind that the Tripod only accepts corrections of factual errors and, as a matter of course, will not change articles because of concerns over depiction or portrayal.

The Tripod understands that corrections deal strictly with spelling errors, errors in names and dates, and other minor content errors. Corrections will appear on page two of the next regular print edition and the inaccuracy will be included with the article on the Tripod website.

For additional information on our corrections policy and to make a request for a retraction or other removal due to a reputation-based concern, please consult our Website Retention and Article Removal or Retraction Policies here.